P a o l o P o r e l l i
"XIV Bienal Internacional de Cerámica de Manises"
8 November 2019 - 12 February 2020
Museu de Ceràmica Manises
Manises, Spain
The Manises City Council convenes the XIV International Ceramic Biennial of Manises. With this new edition, the city of Manises is once again situated beyond tradition and once again becomes a center of attraction for the avant-garde and ceramic modernity. The contest has, once again, two categories: Art Ceramics and Product Design, within which different prizes with a financial amount are established. The objective of the contest is, therefore, twofold. On the one hand, to value author ceramics as a means of artistic expression. In this sense, in recent years it is intended to attract all those creators who use ceramics as a means of expression, regardless of their training, to embrace the plurality, diversity and complexity of contemporary art. On the other hand, supporting design products which can be mass produced industrially, a very important aspect for the development and innovation of our ceramics'