P a o l o P o r e l l i
Portfolio Paolo Porelli

"RefleX: Figures for reflection" Paolo Porelli & Maurizio Tittarelli Rubboli
installation of 29 figures, terracotta, in-glaze luster, 42cm H max
Solo Show 2021: Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio; "61st Premio Faenza", 2020/2021, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche, Faenza, Italy
“From Stereotype to Archetype” 2020
stoneware, glaze, overglaze, fired in oxidation, reduction, salt-fire, 40cm H max
"From Stereotype to Archetype" 2021, solo show, Arch Contemporary, Tiverton, RI, USA
“Mary Magdalene” 2019
stoneware, glaze, 115cm H
“Judith & Holofernes” 2019
stoneware, glaze, 115,5cm H
“Santa Cecilia” 2019
stoneware, glaze, 109cm H
"Visioni contemporanee: venti artisti a Castel Sant'Angelo" 2021, Rome, Italy
“Neuf Neures Déesses” 2017
porcelain, unglazed 46cm H max
shortlisted: "2020 Taiwan Ceramics Biennial", New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, Yingge Taiwan
“Protestant Madonnas” 2019
stoneware, glaze 25cm H max
solo show, curated by André Groeneveld, Firma Van Drie, Gouda, The Netherlands
"Madonne Protestanti: terzo atto", Ridotto del Teatro Masini, in conjunction with Argillà Italia 2022, Faenza, Italy
“La Primera” 2018
stoneware, mixed media,165cm H
WesterwaldPrize 2019 Ceramics of Europe, Westerwald, Germany
“Globalisation Camouflage” 2017
Slip-cast porcelain, unglazed, 42cm H max
WesterwaldPrize 2019/2020 Ceramics of Europe, Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Westerwald, Germany
“Humanae Scientiae” 2019
stoneware, porcelain, glaze, 37,5cm H max
"Biennale Arte Ceramica Contemporanea 2020", Frascati, Italy
“Archimedes” 2019
stoneware, glaze, 36x16x14cm
"Biennale Arte Ceramica Contemporanea 2020", Frascati, Italy
“Triad” 2018
terracotta, glaze, 58cm H max
14th International Ceramic Biennial of Manises 2019, Manises, Spain
"Golden Venus" 2017
porcelain PVD 40cm
"Metallic Idols" 2017
porcelain PVD, 44,5cm H max
"Ceramic Art Andenne 2018", "Contemporary expressions of Italy", Andenne, Belgium
“Couples” 2017
porcelain 44,5cm H max
2nd Porzellanbiennial Meissen 2018 Albrechtsburg, Meissen, Germany
“Divinities + Idols” 2018
earthenware, glaze, overglaze, decals, 25cm H max
"Divinities + Idols" 2018 solo show HAS at Haw Contemporary, Kansas City, MO, USA
"Humanae Terrae" 2018
Double solo show, curated by Claudia Casali, Honos Art Gallery, Rome, Italy
"Divinities + Idols" 2018 solo show HAS at Haw Contemporary, Kansas City, MO, USA
"Maria Profetissima" 2019
stoneware, slip, 37x11x11cm
"Biennale Arte Ceramica Contemporanea (BACC) 2020", Frascati, Italy
"Metallic Votive Wall" 2019, stoneware/porcelain, glaze, 44,5cm H max
Korean International Ceramic Biennale (KICB) 2021, South Korea
"Humanae Terrae" 2018
Double solo show, curated by Claudia Casali, Honos Art Gallery, Rome, Italy
“Votive Wall” 2017
Installation of 18 pieces: terracotta/stoneware, slip, glaze, overglaze, transfers, 38 cm H max
2nd prize, "38 Concurso Internacional de Ceràmica-CICA 2018", Museu Ceràmica L'Alcora, L’Alcora, Spain. Collection: Museu Ceràmica L'Alcora,
"Inquietant/e figura humana (Disturbing human figure)" 2018/2019, curated by MACVAC, Sala 30, Aéroport Castellòn, Spain
“Jingdezhen Quintet” 2017
porcelain, glaze, overglaze, transfers, 42cm H max
"European Ceramic Context 2018, Open Call exhibition", 1 of 2 artists chosen to represent Italy, Grønbechs Gaard, Bornholm, Denmark
"Viewing" 2017
solo show, Jingdezhen International Studio, Jingdezhen, China
"Terra d’acqua" 2017
terracotta, slip & mixed media, 60x25x25
Silver Award, 39 Concorso Internazionale della Ceramica d’Arte,
Gualdo Tadino, Italy
"Guest at the convivium" 2015
Terracotta, slip, mixed media, 50 x 24 x 20cm
Honorable Mention, "CeramicAppignano 2015", Appignano, Italy
"Humankind: the sublime & the ridiculous" 2016
solo show, Belger Art Center, Kansas City MO, USA
“Numbers girl”, “Last generation”, “Fire-bearer” 2015
Terracotta, slip, glaze, mixed media, dimensions variable
"Scultura ceramica contemporanea in Italia"2015, curated by N. Caruso & M. Margozzi, Galleria nazionale d’arte moderna, Rome, Italy
“Profiles of Time” 2015
slipped terracotta, mixed media, 37cm H max
"Profiles of Time" solo show, curated by R. Giovannini, Museo civico Rocca Flea Gualdo Tadino, Italy
“Pink Scream” 2015
slipped terracotta, mixed media, 75cm H
"Profiles of Time" solo show, curated by R. Giovannini, Museo civico Rocca Flea Gualdo Tadino, Italy
“Pink Shout” 2014
stoneware, slip, mixed media 75 x 46 x 18cm
"2015 NCECA Biennial", David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence, RI, USA
Collection: ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center, Tempe, AZ
“Excess” 2012
stoneware, porcelain slip, glaze, 66 x 30,5 x 25,5cm
"2013 NCECA Biennial", Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston. TX, USA
"New Directions", Lacoste Gallery, Concord, MA, USA
"Pomona" 2010
porcelain, glaze, 45cm H
"Figuration" 2011, curated by J. Guido, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA, USA